Public Service Category

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Criteria for the 2018 State Honorable Awards

Public Service Category with 5 honorable mentions:

         1) Service Standard

               The award is based on the results from the implementation of the service standard for the expansion of the public services. The objective of the award is to give the recognition to the agencies with the commitment to provide good public services with thorough accesses to the services.

2) Service Innovation
     The award is based on the results from the performance of the government agencies with service innovations or equipment inventions to serve the public. The objective of the award is to give the recognition to a new service model consistent with the current situations and the people’s needs. 

          3) Service Development
               The award is based on the results from the public services with continuous improvement. The objective of the award is to give the recognition to the development of services with excellence to meet the people’s needs in order to provide better services to the people.

          4) Excellent Service

                The award is based on the overall performance of the government agencies to integrate the national policies to meet the following conditions:

(1)  An overview of the public services by the government agencies with the commitment to provide the public services to the people / service recipients through the project / portfolio with continuous operation and an acceptable level of success;
(2)  Successful performance with the integration of the agency’s missions;
(3)  Benefits of the projects resulting in high impacts on the economy and society of the country;
(4) Outcomes of the project emphasizing on the country's key strategies and leading to the solutions of the major problems in the country such as human trafficking, misconduct / corruption, domestic violence, social gap, educational and environmental issues;

(5)  Concrete outcomes through the evaluation with continuous improvement in accordance with No. (4);
(6)  Continuity of the project leading to sustainability;  
(7)  Responding to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

          4) Continuous improvement of service quality:  (2018 is the final year of this award)

                The award is based on the performance with the maintained quality recognized in the 3-year period since receiving the award of the Thailand Public Service Awards in 2015. The objective of this award is to give the recognition to the government agencies who have maintained the quality standard of the organization not lower than the previous one through the given period.

Evaluation Criteria of the 2018 State Honorable Awards for Government Services

                    Evaluation Criteria of the 2018 State Honorable Awards for Government Services classified into 3 groups:

Group 1: The 3 categories are Service Standard, Service Innovation, and Service Development.




Full Score

1. Problem Analysis (5 points)


1. What are the background, the needs, and the importance of implementing the project according to the mission of the agency?

Explain the importance and the needs of the project according to the mission and strategy of the agency / the country.


2. Problem Solving (25 points)


2. What are the solutions for the problems?

Describe the overall solutions for the problems.


3.  What are the means of solving the problem and improving the service / the life quality of the service recipients?

Describe the strategies to solve problems, the target group in the project (linked to Article 10), the specific objectives, and the expected results from the operation (linked to Article 6).


4. What are the new ideas?

What is the difference? Compare the old and new aspects (Linked to Article 2).


3. Implementation (30 points)


5. Who initiates and operates the project? How many people have been affected by this project?

Identify the initiator and operator, the number of service recipients, and the positive and negative effects.


6. How are the strategies implemented? What resources do you have to use to expand the strategies according to Article 3 on Implementation?

Identify the resources to be used and how to allocate them.


7. Who are the stakeholders and the actors of the design, development, and service in the project?

Identify the actors in the operation including the co-designers and operators of the project.


8. What are the key outputs from the implementation of the project? Is it linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Identify the key outputs of the operation (how to relate to Article 4) with at least one aspect in the relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal.


9. What are the problems and obstacles during the project? How are they managed?


4. Result / Output and sustainability of the project (40 points)


10. What are the benefits of this project?

Describe the benefits derived from the implementation of the project linked to Article 3.


11. Is the implementation of the project formally evaluated? Is the result of the evaluation is applied to the improvement of the public service?

Identify the methods and the results of the formal evaluation derived from the service recipients and describe how the results of the evaluation will be applied to improve the public service.



    12. Is the project sustainable? Can the model of the implementation be passed onto other agencies?

Describe the sustainability in different aspects such as finance, economy, society, culture, environment and regulation. Explain the potential of the knowledge and how to pass it onto other national / international organizations.


13. What are the lessons learned from the project? How is the development sustained?

Describe the lessons learned for sustainable development in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal.


Full Score


Group 2: Excellent Service


Full Score

1. Importance and integration to national / agency strategies


2. Purposes of the project with solutions of problems to promote operations


3. Good process


4. Problems, barriers and good management


5. Levels of results / outputs with high impacts leading to solutions and successes in the major national strategy and policy.


6. Sustainability of the project with the Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs and the expansion of the results.


Full Score


Group 3: Continuous Development of Service Quality

The government agencies will be considered with the following criteria:

1. The performance of the government agencies must meet the criteria of each group.

2. The results from the development of service quality must not be lower than the standard of two criteria.

(1) The service process must be efficient and the quality must not be less than that of the previous winning.

(2) The result / output of the public service will not be lower than that of the previous winning.

3. There are concrete evidence of better public services.